Background of Singles Matchmaking

In the olden days, Singles Matchmaking happened exclusively through middle-aged and aged women and men who made it their business to find others, wives and husbands. They were good at what they did because they kept their ears to the ground and knew the goings-on of unmarried men and women. Using this knowledge they found people their soul mate or spouse. This was an unofficial but old profession.

In the 21st Century, Singles Matchmaking has become a highly essential service for single men and women seeking to find their love and romance interest. In a world so fast and complicated, singles have become more and more isolated and disconnected like never before. Overwhelmed with work, careers, higher studies and kids, many have turned to online dating sites for help. Single parents, divorcees, the widowed and the advanced in age are the most disadvantaged in this new normal.

The traditional ways of meeting people have been rare, less attractive and compromised, the internet as an alternative is broken, online dating sites are more focused on quantity, not quality, leaving its members doing the tedious work of sifting through thousands of profile in search of a partner that meets their personal preference.

Online Dating has become so tiresome, draining and with a highly decreasing success rate and then there's the endless Swiping left and right to deal with. The lack of filter, no privacy, limited monitoring and free subscriptions has attracted unserious memberships, too many scammers, crypto-currency fraudsters, married men, liars, casual sex hunters, hook-up artists and blesser seekers to mention a few. While all are free to pursue their interest however way they choose, serious Singles looking for serious relationships, including marriage are left frustrated and disappointed, leading many to actually give up not only on the search but on the hope of every finding love and romance.

Modern day Singles Matchmaking offers a different approach, with the old school manual, community based skill of connecting people, to the advanced technology-based systems; matchmakers are able to locate their clients locally and online. Through online marketing, social media marketing and online forms, serious singles can be served with great success.

Justified Connect Singles Matchmaking Service offers a very unique proposition to serious singles who desire a functional platform that boasts a very high success matching rate and can help them find their desired love and romance interest. With a highly advanced, artificial intelligent matchmaking software, upholding the highest level of privacy, Justified Connect seeks to find and serve serious Singles, including busy professionals, successful singles and executives who desire to find love and romance.
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